
A letter from the Principal Investigator
My name is Dr. Stacy L. Scott, and I’d like to welcome you to The Spirit of Wonder Project, an idea which has been formulating in my mind for several years. This project is informed by my travels, consulting work, and background in education and psychology. I hope this project brings us together across borders and cultures everywhere.
I have had an extensive career in education beginning as a teacher at the middle school level and director of diversity programs for 15 years; as a psychologist, training, coaching and consulting to schools and their leadership for 21 years; and, finally as a superintendent and associate superintendent of schools for nine years. My first book and signature workshop named Making Equity Work was the focus of my work for many years. I have focused on bringing concerns of equity in education to light for the past 30 years.
Having worked with diverse communities internationally, this project also emerges from my belief in the power of people and my desire to bring this power to light. This project ultimately is peace project designed to bring the world closer together, one story at a time. This is my hope for The Spirit of Wonder Project. Join me in this effort.
I look forward to a fruitful collaboration!
Dr. Stacy L. Scott

The Spirit of Wonder
The Spirit of Wonder is a comparative cross-cultural study which examines the developmental trajectories of people in different countries. It seeks to identify the ways that people understand and act on the internal and external factors which influence them and their communities. Seeing each story as a true journey, and listening without assumptions can lead to surprises beyond our expectations. Beyond the project goals and interview protocols that enable academic research and anthropological study, The Spirit of Wonder seeks to foster relationships and make earnest human connection possible through storytelling.
The Power of Storytelling
Storytelling is one of our oldest modes of communication. It connects communities, passes on knowledge, and brings people closer together. In modern scientific research, storytelling has been proven to cure trauma, resolve conflicts, improve self-understanding, and raise self-esteem. Stories connect, inspire, motivate, and move people to action. The Spirit of Wonder seeks to revive storytelling for all of these purposes and to popularize this approach, helping people make deeper connections with themselves, each other, and their communities.
Share Your Story
We seek to collect stories about people’s developmental journeys from around the world. Our main audience is anyone who has a story to tell about their life goals and wants to hear other's stories. Through storytelling, participants share about this experience and reflect on how they are influenced by the context in which they live; their country, culture, or community. Likewise, participants reflect on the internal factors which affect their journeys as they pursue their goals.
The Spirit of Wonder seeks to foster relationships and make earnest human connection possible through storytelling.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a platform for ordinary people in different countries to share, reflect, and feel empowered to act on their understanding of how their life journeys are impacted by their communities and how they too impact their community.

Our Vision
Highly connected and engaged communities.
Community connections through storytelling; sharing of self-reflection and personal narrative.
Share your story.
Community connections through storytelling; sharing of self-reflection, and personal narrative.